Streamline Poultry Processing with OHAUS

Learn how OHAUS products aid in poultry processing applications
OHAUS products are designed to help develop, portion and package food products -- no matter what the task. From beginning to end, OHAUS makes it easy to find the perfect product for all of your poultry processing needs.
Not sure which product is right for you? Click here for a detailed overview of how OHAUS simplifies every step of poultry processing!
Weight and portion control
Controlling the weight of each portion of poultry is crucial for ensuring a consistent customer experience, controlling food waste and complying with legal-for-trade packaging requirements.  OHAUS products can be used to weigh bulk totes, set portion sizes, recheck in-line equipment and test post-packaging samples to ensure LFT compliance.  Many OHAUS products include GMP/GLP fields and date/time data, and can be integrated into systems for traceability.  Post packaging, higher capacity scales can be used for loading skids and other operations in the warehouse facility prior to shipping.
Moisture Content Analysis
Many processing facilities use the moisture content of poultry products to assess the freshness of the product being processed.  Throughout the process, poultry will shed water content at a consistent rate, and the end product will also be tested after packaging to gauge how closely it matches process requirements.
pH and Salinity
OHAUS pH and other Starter testers can be used to track key aspects of incoming or in-process poultry products.  Whether it is pH for acidity in packaging or salinity and total dissolved solids in sauces and brines, OHAUS has a Starter meter for your application needs.
Learn More About Poultry Processing